Shadow Play..

In February of this year, US President Joe Biden issued a "National Security Memorandum" outlining the conditions to be adhered to in the sale and transfer of American weapons to foreign countries. Primarily directed towards the use of weapons shipped to Israel, the memorandum underscored compliance with American laws and international agreements ratified by the United States. This four-page document was communicated to Israel, with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant providing a written commitment to adhere to the conditions outlined therein. The memorandum stipulated that shipments of arms and ammunition would be halted in the event of their use in a manner that violates human rights or international humanitarian law. Additionally, it emphasized the imperative of not obstructing humanitarian aid.

The American and Western media's scrutiny has brought to light Israel's inability to conceal the "Palestinian Genocide". Calls have been made to the Biden Administration from both the "Progressive Left" and "Centrist" factions of the Democrats in the US Congress to suspend arms shipments to Israel. Noteworthy figures, known for their pro-Israel stance, have endorsed these calls, placing Biden in a precarious position. The dissenting stance of Young Democrats, influential in the elections, against unconditional support for Israel may have played a role in the issuance of the memorandum.

Responses from both domestic and international quarters shaped Biden's "State of the Union" address on March 7th. Biden finally acknowledged that over 30,000 Palestinians, including thousands of children, had lost their lives. He highlighted that two million civilians were either under bombardment or displaced, describing the situation as "heartbreaking." However, while Biden's address acknowledged the dire situation, it did not impose any conditions on Israel nor did it interrupt arms shipments. Biden's spokespersons reiterated that the US did not draw a "red line" for Israel or dictate what actions it should take. Biden's expressions of concern did not induce a change in Netanyahu's behavior, nor did it alter the US's stance towards Israel.

Amidst domestic and international credibility challenges, it remains doubtful whether Biden will fulfill the requirements of the "National Security Memorandum" concerning the use of American weapons deployed abroad. The US Department of State is tasked with monitoring Israel's compliance with the memorandum's conditions, with reports suggesting Israel's non-compliance. The ongoing genocide in Gaza, perpetrated with American bombs, is unfolding before the eyes of the world, highlighting the need for stringent measures.

The US Department of State is mandated to present a report on Israel's compliance with the memorandum's conditions to the US Congress by May 8th. Meanwhile, speculation arose from the US-based news site "Axios," claiming that the US had halted arms shipments to Israel. However, no official statements were issued by the White House, Pentagon, or the Department of State regarding this claim. According to unnamed sources from the "US National Security Council," there is no change in the Biden Administration's military support for Israel. Israeli reports indicate that arms shipments continue unabated. Direct statements from Biden or Netanyahu are yet to be made. As tensions escalate, American universities witness waves of protests against Israel and the Biden Administration, with the possibility of demonstrations spreading beyond campus confines. As Biden prepares for the November elections, he employs a strategy of temporizing to quell the protests. A shadow play between Washington and Tel Aviv unfolds, with the true nature of events awaiting clarity from the report the US Department of State will present to Congress on May 8th.

1 ay önce
Shadow Play..
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